Selfish slogs – K.B

Selfish slogs

Selfish slog

attached to my heart

sucking the energy

Weed smokers everywhere

and slogs everywhere

the damned is a heinous


like that dude on the mountain

who wants to be the all knowing

in his deep ignorance with magic

doesn’t wanna spend a nickel 

on food and never happy and rude

insulting women and conspirationist

like that trash girl neighboor

going out each time the devil tells her to

promised to suicide and good riddance

all these damned who have no conscience

who have vanity while claiming they have none

who want to steal every ressource, even


cannot be happy in their presence

can’t pull the light through

Devil, Devil, Devil, may life sink you

Devil, everywhere

I’m the dove, I’m the angel

in this global mindfuck

where people seek control

on the weak

while claiming they are not

I have the light

and I’m better than you


Only Mom, only Mom,

kind, discreet

the devil will tear you apart

I have no apart

no place to myself

I’m a real altruist

while they have it all

capable of listening and

healing others

but no one does that

no one does that

they are too conceited

and blind and self centred

with no real brilliance

of the mind,

not like mine

May they be cursed

in this life and the other


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I have nothing to myself 

for real bro

my energy is leaking into others…

Not even a furnished place…

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